Cali Bird
1 min readJan 8, 2018


I came to writing via the Julia Cameron, Artist’s Way route. She advocates writing 3 pages longhand of journal and then a page of your project. So on a non-commuting day I sort of do that — I tend to only write a page of journal and then either draft something new or edit something previously written. I probably spend an hour in total as soon as I get up.

If I have to commute by train into London then I just get my laptop out and write 500 words.

I don’t always do it at the weekend, sometimes. At the moment I’m on a 500 words a day challenge for 31 days. This will be new to me as I don’t always write new stuff every day. Normally I never do any kind of work on a Saturday as I think it is good to step away from everything for a day. However, to complete the challenge then I will need to write everyday.



Cali Bird

Realistic advice on being creative alongside your busy life. I write novels too. Need romantic escapism? Check out