How Are You Crucifying Yourself?

We all have our own crosses to bear

Cali Bird


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

I’ve practised Buddhism for over 30 years but every year I am fascinated by Easter. There is something about the solemnity of Good Friday that gives way to the light of Easter Sunday. Even if you aren’t a practising Christian, there is much that you can gain by looking at the symbolism around this event.

It’s not just about Jesus on a cross. Figuratively we all have moments when we crucify ourselves.

Maybe you feel guilty about the way you treated your partner. Maybe you don’t feel that you deserve to be happy since your Mum passed away. Perhaps you feel guilty devoting so much time to your writing when it doesn’t bring in any money.

These are all ways that we nail ourselves to our own cross.

What is your favourite way of crucifying yourself?

What is your habitual way of crucifying yourself?

What do you normally do when you want help to crucify yourself?

What if you could shine a light into this darkness?

You don’t have to suffer.

Your flaws and imperfections are part of who you are.



Cali Bird

Realistic advice on being creative alongside your busy life. I write novels too. Need romantic escapism? Check out